Why Even Bother with the Lord's Prayer?

Here's something I've never understood about the church of Christ: they make a big point of teaching kids the Lord's prayer and making them memorize it. I remember earning an extra gold star on my Bible class attendance chart for being able to recite it from memory.

However, the congregation never recites the prayer during worship service and, in fact, they argue that the prayer is no longer valid today. They claim that the line "thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" makes the prayer invalid for today, because God's will was accomplished in 33 AD with the founding of the church. Since there is no more for Christ to accomplish here on earth, there is no reason to make that particular petition to God.

They say that the prayer is simply a model on which we are to base our own personal prayers. But again, why bother teaching kids to memorize it if it's so unimportant?

I think the real reason they reject the prayer's validity is their rabid anti-Catholicism. It's the same reason they reject crosses and crucifixes and stained glass windows. There is no scriptural reason to do so. But if the Catholics do it, then the COC will reject it, even when it makes no sense at all.


Sarah said…
I was taught that we didn't say it because the line "Thy kingdom come" is now unscriptural. Since the kingdom is the church then it is already here, so it's incorrect to pray for the kingdom to come. This explanation allows them to say that it was correct when Jesus said it, but it's not now. I think it's funny that we were both taught the prayer was unscriptural for us to recite today, but were given different reasons. Further proof that the COC is all about rules, but nothing about the substance.
Oh, yeah. I completely forgot about the "thy kingdom come" argument. Good point!
Search4Truth said…
Wow, and I see so much to learn in the Lords Prayer. I was taught that it is just a model, and that we should model our prayers after it. But the reminders that I hear every time that I hear that prayer.
Forgive us as we forgive others- that is hard.
Lead us not into temptation- I still pray that.
Hallowed be Thy name- still true.
Is God's will being done now as it is in heaven. Has His kingdom come. Some groups would say no it has not. Christ left a pattern when he left. Matt 28:17 told us to continue discipling, teaching and baptizing. Perhaps we are to do this until Christ is truly reigning, and it is His Kingdom. Some groups teach that Christ is preparing a place for us and that he will come again. Is that where/when we will find His kingdom?
Give us this day our daily bread. God still supplies my needs, and expects that I ask, and be thankful when he supplies it.
I think perhaps that is something that the church that I grew up in was right about. It is a good pattern.

May God bless you in your search.

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